Alfred Thompson Gobert

Alfred Tompson Gobert, French. Painter, enameller and ceramist (1822 Paris to 1895 La Garenne-Bezons), son of the Parisian painter Martial Gobert, from 1840 pupil of Raymond Monvoisin, Charles Gleyre and Paul (Hippolyte) Delaroche, attended the Paris Salon in 1848-50, through the mediation of Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres and Delaroche 1849-91 employee and director of the enamel painting workshops (figure painter sur émail et sur pâte) at the Sèfres manufactory, from then on he was regarded as a renewer of the old art of enameling in Limoges, his works were often used by Napoleon III. After the closure of the enameling workshops, he worked as a ceramist and exhibited at the world exhibitions in Antwerp in 1885 and Paris in 1889, where he was awarded gold and silver medals,

Source: Thieme-Becker, Saur “Bio-Bibliographisches Künstlerlexikon”, Müller-Singer, Neuwirth “Porzellanmalerlexikon” and Bénézit.

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