Detlef Nitschke

The contemporary German artist Detlev Nitschke is best known for his picturesque scenes and open-air paintings (Plein Air), which serve as templates for cards, books and calendars. Born in Berlin in 1935, Nitschke trained as a lithographer and obtained his diploma after studying art at the Master School for Printing and Graphics. After several years as managing director and design manager in a Berlin graphics company, he opened his own studio in 1969.

As a member of the Society of Berlin Architectural Painters, Nitschke has presented numerous solo and group exhibitions in the USA and Europe, including Cape Cod, Munich, Berlin, Venice, New York and Boston.

Nitschke’s work is characterized by the painterly depiction of natural scenes and landscapes, which are often used as templates for maps, books and calendars. His art was strongly influenced by the American Impressionists as well as by his travels through Europe and Russia, whereby he captured the picturesque scenes and landscapes he experienced on his travels. In particular, his impressions of Mediterranean life in southern and northern Italy had a decisive influence on his art.

The effect of light and color inspires Nitschke’s works, in which he expresses the joys of human life through the skillful use of light and color. His works are known for their spontaneous painting style that captures picturesque scenes. Nitschke played an essential role in the development of photographic-looking paintings and was particularly interested in the depiction of people in motion. His intention was to capture fleeting moments with vibrancy and delightful effects of light and color, inspired by the French Impressionists.

Although his work is often associated with American Impressionism, it also shows strong influences from French Impressionism.

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