Franz Lefler

Franz Lefler, born in 1831 in Langenbruck, Bohemia (today Dlouhý Most, Czech Republic), died on June 19, 1898 in Weißenbach an der Triesting, Lower Austria. He was a painter and is known as the father of the artist Heinrich Lefler.
He received his training at the art academies in Prague and later, from 1858, in Vienna, where he studied under the painters Geiger and Wurzinger. He then undertook study trips, mainly to Germany and Italy. Lefler was particularly distinguished by his skills as a draughtsman and watercolorist and created works in the genres of genre, portrait, allegory and history painting. His art displayed a distinctive decorative quality, which was also reflected in his designs for theater curtains, such as those at the Carltheater, as well as in his ceiling and wall paintings. His studio was located at 4. Alleegasse (today Argentinierstraße) 66 in Vienna. After his death, his works were sold at auctions, including in Vienna in 1904 and in Berlin in 1913. Some of his works can be found in the Historical Museum of the City of Vienna.

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