Franz Weiss

Franz Weiss (January 18, 1921 – June 4, 2014) was an Austrian artist whose work encompassed a wide variety of forms of expression such as watercolors, reverse glass painting, woodcuts, frescoes, cloth painting, enamel, copperplate engravings, mosaics, stained glass windows and sculptures. He used these media to express his Christian faith.
Born the fifth of seven children of a small farmer and carpenter, Weiss received his artistic training in Graz and Vienna, specializing in sculpture and painting. In addition to his own artistic practice, he also taught courses at various academies and academies of fine arts.
Weiss’ work reflects his deep understanding of nature, home and the Christian faith. His artistic vision, which he described as “reduction realism”, combined pictorial imagination and faith into a harmonious unity that belonged to folk art.
Furthermore, Weiss was a thinker who did not limit himself to religious motifs, but also reflected the unease of modern man in relation to his environment. In his courses, he encouraged his students to develop a deeper connection to the world through creative work and to cultivate a childlike light-heartedness and joy in creating.
Weiss received numerous awards for his artistic and pedagogical work, including the professional title of professor, rings of honor and honorary crosses for his services to art and culture in Austria.

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