Henri Chevallier

Henri Chevallier, actually Claude-François-Henri Chevallier (1808 or 1809-1893), was a French draughtsman and landscape painter.

Born in Lyon/La Croix-Rousse, Chevallier studied at the École des beaux-arts de Lyon under Antoine Berjon and Augustin Alexandre Thierriat. After completing his training, he initially worked as a technical draughtsman in a factory in Lyon. Due to an illness, he spent a convalescent stay in Switzerland, where he turned to landscape painting.

From 1839 to 1842, Chevallier worked for Nicolas Viktor Fonville in Lyon. He then spent some time studying in Paris before becoming a freelance plein air painter in Lyon and, from 1846, in the south of France. From 1845 he exhibited his landscape paintings at the Lyon Salon and from 1859 at the Paris Salon.

Henri Chevallier was known for his landscape paintings and remained mainly active in Lyon during his career, where he also died. Information on his life and work can be found in sources such as Thieme-Becker, the Saur “Bio-Bibliographisches Künstlerlexikon”, the Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon (AKL) and Bénèzit.

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