Karl Eyth was born in Bregenz, Vorarlberg, Austria, Europe, where he also spent his life. He began his artistic training in 1906 at the Munich Academy under A. Jank. From 1910 to 1912 he spent time in Canazei, South Tyrol, followed by a stay in Hard, Vorarlberg. During this time, he developed close friendships with artists such as F. Reiter and J. Berchtold.

The outbreak of the First World War took Eyth to the war zones of Galicia and the southern front. After the end of the war, he returned to Bregenz in 1920, where he remained until his death.

Eyth was primarily known for his portraits and landscapes, which featured a slightly stylized depiction of nature. His works are characterized by their artistic sensitivity and their ability to capture the beauty of the surroundings and the characters of his subjects.

Karl Eyth died in Bregenz, Vorarlberg, Austria, Europe, although his artistic legacy continues to play an important role in Austrian art history.

Compare: Reiter, Cornelia (Bearb.)/ Koja, Stephan (Bearb.)/ Márkus, Hella (Bearb.): Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts. Bestandskatalog der Österreichischen Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Bd. 1: A–F, hrsg. v. d. Österreichischen Galerie Belvedere, Wien 1993, S. 206

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