Louis Jean Alfred Bonamici, known as a painter of the French Riviera, was born on January 13, 1878 in Livorno, Italy, and died on March 12, 1966 in France. He was the son of Jean Bonamici and Égérie Bertacchi. He had a passion for painting from an early age.

In his works, whether on panel or canvas, Bonamici captured seascapes, harbor views, fish markets, river landscapes and floral arrangements. Rural scenes and occasional village views can also be found in his work, always captured in the sun-drenched light of Provence, as can be seen in his famous tartan paintings from Martigues.

Bonamici used the knife painting technique, similar to his contemporary Louis Pastour, and occasionally resorted to watercolor. Some art critics therefore regard him as a distant pupil of Adolphe Monticelli.

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