Ruud Cornelisse

Ruud Cornelisse (born 1940) is a post-Cobra painter and draughtsman. Trained at the Rietveld Academy and at the Institute for Art Education in Amsterdam under Willem (Wim) Strijbosch as a teacher. His style is typical of the post-Cobra with its surrealistic and expressive expression. In addition to the many paintings and oil and acrylic paintings, Ruud uses many graphic techniques such as etching, wood engraving, copper engraving and lino printing. The themes are mostly the expression of dialogs. Ruud spent many years at the Brederode ruins in Santpoort, where he organized many cultural events. There, too, the focus was on encounters and dialog. He also worked for many years as a stage designer for Orkater House. Ruud was a member of X65 in Haarlem, Art Be Our Purpose and is mentioned in many publications. Ruud Cornelisse’s powerful works stick to the retina and push you towards the image, in search of what connects you and becomes a place of recognition that goes deeper than it seems at first glance.

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