Stanislaus Stückgold, also known as Stanisław or Stanislas, was born on May 18, 1868 in Warsaw, then part of the Russian Empire. He came from a Jewish merchant family and began his education at the Warsaw Polytechnic before studying chemistry and philosophy in Zurich and Paris. After his military service in the Russian army, he worked in various positions, including as an assistant in chemical laboratories in Berlin and Düsseldorf and as plant manager of a chemical factory in Warsaw. He also worked in the textile industry, in boiler firing and in the railroad and steamship business.

During the revolution in Poland in 1905/06, Stückgold supported the socialist, nationalist Polish and Jewish side, which led to multiple arrests and imprisonments. After the suppression of the revolution, he decided to give up his engineering career and begin studying art in Warsaw. To avoid the threat of deportation to Siberia, he fled to Munich in 1907 and became a student of the Hungarian painter Simon Hollósy. There he also met his future wife, Elisabeth Veress.

In October 1908, Stückgold moved to Paris and studied under Henri Matisse. He exhibited regularly at the Salon des Indépendants and established contacts with artists such as Henri Rousseau. In 1913, he moved to Munich with his wife, where he became a follower of anthroposophy. Under the influence of Marianne Werefkin and Hans Goltz, he exhibited his works and opened a painting school in Munich, which he ran until 1921.

After separating from his wife in 1920, Stückgold returned to Paris and ran a painting school there again until 1926. His painterly work includes landscapes, still lifes and portraits, including portraits of well-known personalities such as Albert Einstein and Else Lasker-Schüler. After his death in 1933, a retrospective was dedicated to him posthumously at the Bernheim-Jeune Gallery.

Stanislaus Stückgold left behind an artistic legacy of bright colors and expressive depiction that reflects his versatility and talent as a painter.

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