Werner Hunziker

Werner Hunziker, born on June 29, 1894 in Aarau and died on September 9, 1975 in Olten, was an outstanding painter who became known above all for his collaboration with his twin brother Gerold Hunziker.

Werner Hunziker’s artistic diversity included murals with religious and mythological motifs, portraits, still lifes and landscapes. His artistic career began with his graduation from the Aarau grammar school, followed by years of study with Ernst Würtenberger at the Zurich School of Arts and Crafts in 1914/15.

Together with his brother Gerold, Werner moved to Geneva to study at the École des Beaux-Arts from 1916-1918. He also did military service during the First World War. After the decade of war, he settled in Paris for an extended period, where he studied under renowned artists such as Lucien Simon (1919), Maurice Denis (1920) and André Lhote (1921). From Paris, he traveled with Gerold to London, Florence, Venice, Rome and finally Berlin.

After his stay in Paris until 1938, he temporarily returned to his hometown of Aarau before living in Feldmeilen until 1947 and finally in Lostorf. It was a time when he worked closely with his twin brother and their artistic visions merged.

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